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How to make the most out of your mornings

A good start of the morning is the key to a productive and happy day. In this post I'm going to share with you my morning routine and some tips that help me to feel energetic and motivated throughout the day. 

1. An hour without a phone

I've already talked about this in my previous post. I've been learning to start my day without Instagram, Twitter and other social platforms. It really helps  to keep my mind clear for the first hour after waking up and I just feel more calm and present by doing this. It is a very simple habit but I really encourage you to try it.

2. Stretches

After making my bed, brushing my theeth and washing my face I'm trying to convince myself to do a little work out. Unfortunately, I've never been in good relationships with sport and working out is the last thing I want to do in the morning:D But I figured that it is so much easier to do a 5 min morning stretches. I'm just doing torso twists, shoulder stretch, bending forward etc. It really  helps my body to wake up and I noticed that I feel more energetic throughout the day if I do stretches in the morning.

3.Taking a shower

This is the most relaxing and at the same time life-enhancing thing. Now that it is very hot I love taking tepid showers beacuse I don't really enjoy cold showers. The smell of lotion, shower gel and scrub really helps me to wake up and puts me in a good mood. 

4. Reading

I've developed this habit not long ago. Instead of going on Instgram in the mornings, I started reading books. So after taking the shower I grab a book, sit on my bed and just start immersing in a different world. I've been having hard time focusing while reading, but after finishing the book that I really enjoyed this problem went away (btw the recent book I've read is "Dance Little Lady" by Lilian Harry ; soon I'll write about this book and some others that I recommend).

5. Breakfast (my fav)

After reading a couple of pages, I start feeling hungry. To tell you the truth, breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. First of all, breakfast meals are super aesthetic. Second of all, I love the atmosphere of the morning; sharing these moments with my family while eating breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee with milk just makes me so happy. After breakfast I usually go on my phone and check my Mail, Instagram, Twitter etc.

So that's my morning. Thank you so much for reading till the end. I hope these little healthy tips will help you to stay in harmony with yourself:)


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