I created this blog to talk about fashion, cooking, share my thoughts and feelings with the world. It is a place where we will be learning new thigs together, spreading positivity and creating something motivational and inspiring. I'm not a professional blogger or writer and this blog is a way for me to learn more about myself and at the same time inspire others. Let's start this journey together:)
Sometimes we all feel stressed, tired and overwhelmed. In such phases of our lives we forget to be grateful for the things that we have, start focusing on negative emotions and , therefore, surround ourselves with negative enerergy. When we feel this way it is important to give our body and brain some rest and start doing something that makes us happy. I personaly love doing self-care days (or even weeks) when I dedicate time to my hobbies and well-being. Self-care days help me to remember to be thankful for what I have and don't take things for granted. On such days it is also important to stay off social media and focus on the moment. My personal hobby is cooking. When I cook I forget about any problems and I don't even notice how the time passes. So on my self-care days I like to cook. The other thing I like to do is morning runs and simple workouts. I'm not a morning workout type of person, but stretches is the only thing my body is able to do in the morning. Journali...